Join or Renew Your Membership Today!

Join now or renew your 2022 membership!

You can join online at PayPal, with your Paypal account or with a credit card:

Select your 2022 membership category:
Enter your dog’s name
(for dog memberships):

Are you interested in helping to preserve and maintain Westford’s natural treasure? Do you want to continue the camping tradition on this historic property? Have you enjoyed our Free Family Fun events? Show your support by becoming a friend or renewing your membership today.

Fill out the form to the left or send a check to:

Westford Friends of East Boston Camps, Inc.
PO Box 346
Westford, MA 01886

Family $30
Individual $15
Senior/Student $10
Dog $5
Contributing $50
Patron $100
Sustaining $150
Lifetime $1000